Tag: covid

You Can Make Poor Choices But I Don’t Need To Be Kind About It

You Can Make Poor Choices But I Don’t Need To Be Kind About It

Before we go any further, let me be clear that this is a general post aimed at anti-maskers, science deniers, covidiots, and spreadnecks protesting for their freedumbs in Alberta and it’s not aimed at a specific person and yes I absolutely rolled my eyes while typing this disclaimer. It’ll be the last such disclaimer I …

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Comfort Zone: We’re Already Out of It So Save Your Memes

Comfort Zone: We’re Already Out of It So Save Your Memes

If I see one more “Step out of your comfort zone” or “Growth happens at the end of your comfort zone” meme during this pandemic, I might just smack someone with my cane. How about, work on being a little less tone-deaf? Here’s the thing: NOBODY is in their comfort zone right now, unless they …

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