Tag: multiple sclerosis

Older, Wiser, Saltier, Happier?

Older, Wiser, Saltier, Happier?

This post is a brain dump. By recapping the last couple years and some things I learned, I’m hoping to clarify for myself what finally got me to this splendid place. Something definitely clicked a little while ago. I definitely critically examined every deeply rooted belief I could think of over the last 25 months. …

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Two Years Later: Immune System Suppression in T-8

Two Years Later: Immune System Suppression in T-8

I start immunosuppression next week. Do I love the idea of suppressing my immune system during a pandemic? Nope. (And we are still in a pandemic, just to be clear.) I also don’t love the idea of my overzealous immune system snacking on my brain and spinal cord. Like I told someone the other day, …

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Dear Immune System: No More Chances

Dear Immune System: No More Chances

I’m about to show my overzealous and melodramatic immune system who’s boss. I also had a medication adjustment and I’m feeling much more like myself for the first time in ages. There are, of course, days when I’m not feeling great and my demeanour is a bit more subdued. Mostly though, it’s been great to …

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More Lesions: Today I’m Having A Pity Party

More Lesions: Today I’m Having A Pity Party

Six months ago, I started a new medication to hopefully prevent new lesions in my brain and spinal cord. In that six months, I’ve gained almost thirty pounds. I’m frequently nauseated, dry heaving, pukey, and enjoying random and sudden bouts of explosive diarrhea. I’m nervous to eat, yet I still managed to get fat. I …

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Telling the Truth: Now That’s Brave

Telling the Truth: Now That’s Brave

I’m so fed up with hypocrisy and fakery and lying, Can we normalize telling the truth? And by that I mean, the actual truth. See, a trend started awhile ago that screamed for authenticity. Everyone wanted authenticity, and transparency, and truth. Most people were lying about wanting that. They think they want that. It’s an …

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It’s Ok To Take Up Space: Unsupervised Shopping

It’s Ok To Take Up Space: Unsupervised Shopping

Today is a bad day. Today, I have visible and obvious disabilities. It’s -30C and I can barely walk, but I left the house anyway. I struggled, but I’m learning to take up space just as I am. Since October 0f 2019, I’ve left my house to go for groceries about twice a month, mostly …

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My Legs Hurt…Cuz I Ran Yesterday!

My Legs Hurt…Cuz I Ran Yesterday!

I ran like the wind! (If the wind was a barely moving air current propelled by a broken, rattling fan missing 3 of its 4 blades, squeaking with every revolution then yes, I ran like the wind.) But it doesn’t matter because I ran 5 intervals on the treadmill at 3.5 mph and it wasn’t …

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My New MS Doc & How I Accidentally Wrung the Neck Of A Trainer At Synaptic

My New MS Doc & How I Accidentally Wrung the Neck Of A Trainer At Synaptic

While MS isn’t contagious, it can certainly affect others around me. Whoops. Someone who watched my Instagram Story yesterday sent me a message, asking “What happened, it sounds like you beat up on a physiotherapist?” Correct, but hear me out… I am exhausted, as I might have complained about a time or six before. My …

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Splendid Improvements & 4 Week Testing at Synaptic

Splendid Improvements & 4 Week Testing at Synaptic

So many splendid improvements to report! I had my 4 week assessment at Synaptic last week and I have improvements on testing. There are a bunch of other improvements that aren’t related to testing. that I’m excited to report. I jumped for the first time in over a year a few days before the assessment, …

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